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  8. Sede secondaria: Avv. Adelaide Perotti via Panoramica ,33 lotto A/33 Salerno
  9. Sede secondaria: Avv. Ernesto Palumbo via G. Gentile, 2 - 81031 Aversa (CE) 
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31 Aug 2003 printer such as setup, installation, cleaning and maintenance. Label Sensor Adjustments, CL608e and CL612e . Onsite Service Datasheet (Revision D). pdf. Download Icon SATO All-In-One Tool (Revision G). pdf. Download Why SATO Consumables (Revision A). pdf. SATO CL408/412 Service Manual. SATO America, Inc. 10350A Nations Ford Road. Charlotte, NC 28273. Main Phone: 704.644.1650. Technical Support 6 Feb 2015 CL608e/CL612e Printers Service Manual PN 9001079 Rev. B SATO America, Inc. 10350-A Nations Ford Rd. Charlotte, NC 28273 Main Phone:View and Download SATO CL608e/CL612e service manual online. Thermal Transfer Printer. CL608e/CL612e Printer pdf manual download. Also for: Cl608e View and Download SATO CL612e service manual online. CL612e Printer pdf manual download. Also for: Cl608e. We have 13 SATO CL612e manuals available for free PDF download: Programming Reference Manual, Operator And Technical Reference Manual, Service CL408-412e Supplemental Manual. PN: 9001159A. MAINTENANCE. Cleaning Procedures. 6-2. Replacement Procedures. 6-3. Print Head. 6-3. Interface Board. The major difference in the CL608e and the CL612e printers is the resolution of the 2. Introduction. The SATO CL608e/612e Printer Operation Manual provides infor- Step-by-step maintenance instructions are included in this manual with A. SATO CL608e/CL612e Service Manual. The information supplied in this manual was current at time of publication. If you come across procedures that need

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