Crisi da Sovraindebitamento L.n.3/2012




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Laser Skin Care - What Laser Treatments Can Do For Your Skin?

The most common laser natual skin care procedure available today is hair removal. There are lots of other types of laser natual skin care treatments that may remove wrinkles, brown spots, blood vessels, and even tighten skin. Laser natual skin care treatments for skin rejuvenation or anti-aging are becoming one of the very most common skin treatments used today. The applications with this new light technology for laser natual skin care today are: o Skin Exfoliation or Skin Peel - Lasers can be utilized to peel or exfoliate the skin to eliminate dead skin and smooth wrinkles and fine lines. When the dead skin and surface of the wrinkles are removed, you see new shiny skin on top of one's face. Skin could form new cells daily and deep skin peel is just a quite effective way to stimulate the production of new facial skin cells. These treatments also stimulate new collagen production in the deeper dermal layers of the skin. Benefits are:

Smooth Fresh Skin Wrinkle Removal These peels usually requires some down time for redness and healing. This is because the peel is definitely an ablative procedure which means the dead skin cells and wrinkles are ablated or removed. Newer peel or resurfacing called fractional resurfacing is also effective and recovery time is 4-5 days, about a next of the recovery time required by traditional CO2 resurfacing done in the past. Common fractional ablative natual skin care machines are: Lux2940(TM), Fraxel Repair(TM), ActiveFX(TM) and ProFractional(TM) to mention a few.

o Non-ablative Stimulation of New Collagen in The Deep Skin Layer, The Dermis - An important reason for wrinkles and scarred tissues is loss in collagen in the deep layer of the facial skin called the dermis. Sun damage kills the collagen in the dermis of the skin and once the collagen dies the skin loses volume, shrinks and loses elasticity. These changes lead to wrinkles and sagging skin. This effect is not unlike what happens to a wonderful plump plum that will be dried in the sun. After the plum loses its inner water volume, the skin wrinkles and you've a prune. New Non-ablative Fractional Lasers can stimulate the production of new collagen deep in the dermis of the skin. Because the skin is not ablated or removed, there's no down time as with the ablative fractional machines mentioned earlier. Benefits of the non-ablative fractional natual skin care treatments are:

Skin Plumping Scar Removal Wrinkle Improvement Pigment Removal o Treatment of Pigment and Facial Skin Photo-damage - The aging ramifications of sunlight, called photo damage or photo aging, are not only dry skin and wrinkles but in addition pigment, called brown spots, sun spots, age spots, and "liver spots ".Light technology is quite effective for removing pigment and photo-damage. The peel or resurfacing strips away excess pigment. The non-ablative treatments are also able to deeper pigment removal such as for instance Melasma or mask of pregnancy. Today Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), also referred to as photo-facial can be used most commonly for pigment removal. The IPL is excellent for removing brown spots and is the gentlest method.

o Skin Tightening - Laser skin tightening is possible but less effective than other skin tightening methods. Resurfacing or deep peeling does tighten skin a bit because deep dermal injury stimulates new collagen production in the skin. The brand new collagen is tighter and the tighter collagen tightens the skin. This effect takes months after the ablative peel natual skin care treatment and is not nearly as noticeable as an experience lift.

Newer and more efficient skin tightening treatments are possible. The more efficient skin tightening treatments are finished with Infrared or Radiofrequency energy with machines like LuxIR Deep(TM), Thermage(TM), Titan(TM), and Refirme(TM) to say a few.

o Remove Broken Blood Vessels, Red Spots and Rosacea on the Face - Photo-aging and sun damage cause broken blood vessels on the facial skin, especially round the nose and cheeks. Lasers can be utilized to eliminate broken blood vessels on the face area and legs. Both the 532 and 1064 Yag wavelengths are useful for removal of broken blood vessels.

Though the newer IPL and Photo-facial treatments are quite effective for removing blood vessels, produce less down time and are employed more often today. The 1064 Yag is the option for larger broken blood vessels and leg veins.

o Hair Removal - Hair removal is the absolute most commonly performed medical natual skin care procedure done today. There are lots of different machines and IPL's for hair removal. I like the diode called the Lightshear Diode(TM) for hair removal-I believe it is safer for darker skin types.

o Tattoo Removal -Tattoo removal was among the first applications with this new light therapy for treating the skin. There are lots of different wavelengths for tattoo removal and the wavelength is chosen for the precise color of the tattoo to be removed. Tattoo removal takes many treatments over a long time period, but is better than surgery that may leave scars.

The indications in the list above are the absolute most trusted applications for lasers in treatment of the skin. All these applications is better accomplished with a certain wavelength that will be best and most appropriate for the skin ailment to be treated.

Chose the Right Doctor I strongly recommend that you seek consultation with two board certified doctors who specialize in laser treatments. Typically board certified dermatologists and plastic surgeons are the absolute most experienced doctors with this particular new technology. These new kinds of light therapy can perform remarkable benefits in natual skin care but the procedure is just as effective as the physician who is giving the treatment. In untrained or unskilled hands these new technologies can burn the skin, damage the eyes, and cause injury. I certainly don't recommend having these treatments in a Spa unless a table certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon with experience and expertise is present.

To know more details visit here: skin care tools

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